Getting a little restless at home? With so many of us retreating from our gyms and yoga studios again, it can feel like we’re back to square one and at a loss for how to work out all this extra energy.
Moreover, many people are unsure of how to stick to their fitness and nutrition goals while adhering to social distancing guidelines. Fortunately, there are plenty of options for those looking to get moving and stay healthy. CK Vango offers a few resources you can use to keep yourself in shape through quarantine.
Eating Right
Sticking to nutritious meals and a healthy diet will make a big difference in how you feel and how you fuel your body.
- Quick, Tasty, Healthy, Five-Ingredient Recipes
- Foods That Boost Your Immune System
- Where Does Costco Deliver Near Me?
- 40 Easy Healthy Desserts
Working Out
Look for creative ways to workout, and consider adding a home gym or even using tech to monitor your efforts.
- How to Safely Exercise Outside During the Coronavirus Pandemic
- How I Built a Basic (But Respectable) Home Gym for Under $700
- A Personalized Smartwatch Can Help You Track Progress and Help Your Business
The importance of self-care can’t be overstated. Everyone needs to keep self-care top of mind right now, both for our physical and mental health.
- 5 Self-Care Practices for Every Area of Your Life
- Managing Stress During the Ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic
- 22 Mindfulness Exercises, Techniques, and Activities for Adults
Finally, be gentle with yourself and focus on the idea of having no “zero days.” This is a philosophy where you try to make sure every day includes one bit of progress toward your goal, no matter how small.
Can’t get yourself to run? Put on your shoes and stand outside for a bit. You’ll keep yourself in the habit, making a return to normal that much easier. This will pass; in the meantime, take care of yourself.
Photo Credit: Unsplash